Nea Santa - Kexros

Star Rating Graphic (4.67) 36 kms
Freedomrider | August 3, 2018 | Europa > Grecia Rutas Motos > Mainland Greece

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Curvas Star Rating Graphic (4.7)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (2.4)
RectasStar Rating Graphic (2)
PaisajeStar Rating Graphic (4.3)
VisibilidadStar Rating Graphic (3.7)
Superficie de la CarreteraStar Rating Graphic (4)
PeligrosStar Rating Graphic (2.7)
Policia Star Rating Graphic (1.7)


Have your say....
Mayo 22, 2024 - Star Rating Graphic

Poor surface but great corners

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  • stego
  • Husqvarna TR650 Strada
  • puntuación: 768
Diciembre 8, 2019 - Star Rating Graphic

Τhe description in the title is false. Nothing to do with Serres Mountains here. Plz change it because maybe could lead to misleading. Rodopi mountains its the right title here. Or maybe Nea Santa - Kexros route.

Βeyond that, it is a beautiful route with good surface

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August 3, 2018 - Star Rating Graphic

Try it out if you are around, you won't regret it

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