Coyhaque to Tres Lagos on The Caraterra Austral

Star Rating Graphic (5) 257 kms
Alanwiltshire | Octubre 30, 2016 | America > Chile Rutas Motos > Aisén

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Curvas Star Rating Graphic (4.5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.6)
RectasStar Rating Graphic (3)
PaisajeStar Rating Graphic (5)
VisibilidadStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
Superficie de la CarreteraStar Rating Graphic (2.5)
PeligrosStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
Policia Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Febrero 27, 2024 - Star Rating Graphic

Indeed the scenery on this route is really spectacular

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Octubre 30, 2016 - Star Rating Graphic

This was one day´s ride on a route to Ushaia. The scenary was spectacular and much of the roads were gravel although we travelled through many sets of road works where the route is being tarmac´d. This is a superb day´s riding but can be very challenging.

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