Campos Do Jardao to Paraty

Star Rating Graphic (5) 263 kms
cadjuka | Mayo 6, 2013 | America > Brasil Rutas Motos > Santa Catarina
Ruta Moto 2 Fotos Disponibles

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Have your say....
Mayo 6, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

From Campos Do Jordao to Itajuba is a great twisty rd with around 50km of good condition dirt.
from Itajuba to Lorena was a fantastic road with next to no traffic but did have a lot of horse riders on it.
from Lorena to about 40km from Paraty the road was being resurfaced and was a great peice of road.
then came the narly dirt potholes rd that was ok on a chookie
and easy to do if you take your time even on a sports bike you will need to be really gentle
then you arrive down a nice litte section of rd into Paraty

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